Our Dental Services

Comprehensive Dental Care

Preventative dental care services ensure that patients maintain and preserve healthy oral hygiene. Patients must visit a dentist every six months to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other diseases that can be detrimental to their overall health.

  • We provide a comprehensive dental exam which consists of an examination of X-rays, oral cancer screening, gum disease evaluations, examination of tooth decay, and existing restorations (fillings, crowns, etc.).

  • At this dental office, our registered dental hygienist will perform a professional dental cleaning. The dental cleaning will remove tartar and plaque as well as polish your teeth.

  • Not only do we provide a dental exam and cleaning, but we also educate and help you create a routine to keep your teeth healthy at home. After a thorough cleaning, we apply fluoride to your teeth to strengthen the outer layer of your teeth and become more resistant to cavities.


Digital x-rays

Digital x-rays are fast, convenient, and reduce the amount of radiation exposure to you. Our experienced and licensed dental assistant will easily take x-rays of your teeth. These images will appear on the screen in which the dentist can review and provide you with the necessary treatments.


  • Dental fillings are a form of restorative dentistry treatment. Fillings are used to fix minimal tooth fractures, tooth decay, or damaged surfaces on the teeth.

  • The filling material can be composite, porcelain, or silver amalgam.

  • If the tooth cannot be repaired by fillings, then alternative procedures such as crowns, implants, and root canals are required.


Crowns / Bridges

Dental crowns and bridges are a form of restorative dentistry that protects and strengthens your teeth.

  • A dental crown is a custom-made cap placed on top of damaged teeth. The cap can support a tooth that does not have enough natural tooth structure remaining or large fillings cannot solve the problem.

  • Dental crowns can correct decayed teeth, teeth weakened by root canal treatment, fractured or broken teeth, broken fillings, and cover big unattractive fillings.

  • Crowns are made from metals, porcelain, resin, and ceramics. However, porcelain is the best-used material because of its natural appearance and strength.

  • A dental bridge fills the space of the missing teeth. The bridge is created by connecting to the natural teeth located on both sides of the missing teeth. Not only does a dental bridge perfect a smile but prevents the surrounding teeth from shifting.

Dentures (Partial/Full)

Dentures are removable prosthetic teeth that can replace either some (partial) or all your teeth (full).

Full dentures can be either conventional or immediate.

  • Conventional: After the teeth are removed, and the gum tissue has begun to heal, a conventional denture is ready for placement eight to 12 weeks after the teeth have been removed.

  • Immediate: Denture is made in advance and can be positioned in the mouth right after the teeth are removed. The patient will have their dentures in during the healing process. These dentures require more adjustments over time because, during the healing process, bones and gums shrink with time.

Partial Dentures are similar to dental bridges. However, they are removable. The denture has the replacement teeth attached to a pink or gum-colored plastic base, which holds the denture in place in the mouth. This procedure also prevents your teeth from changing positions.


Dental Implants

  • Dental implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth. The procedure replaces the root of the tooth with metal, screwlike posts. The replacement is artificial teeth that look and function like real teeth.

  • Implants help with biting irregularities from missing teeth, maintaining jaw bone, preventing bone loss, and supporting facial features. In addition, it can provide strength and stability to continue eating the foods you enjoy every day.

Invisalign / Invisible Braces

  • Invisalign is a brand of clear aligners that are an alternative to traditional braces. Invisalign can correct the following: crowded teeth, spaced teeth, overbite, crossbite, mild relapse after removing traditional braces, and simple bite irregularities.

  • The dentist offers prior consultation catered to your specific needs.


Zoom Whitening

  • Zoom is a bleaching process that lightens the discoloration of enamel and dentin. Discoloration of teeth can be caused by drinking such as coffee, tea, red wine, or smoking. With aging, teeth can darken and stain more easily.

  • During the Zoom in-office tooth whitening procedure, the Zoom Advanced Power Stain Chairside Lamp safely activates 25% hydrogen peroxide whitening. The hydrogen peroxide bleaches the stained teeth without altering the tooth structure.

  • Before deciding on Zoom in-office teeth whitening, you can consult with our dentist for more information.


Botox is used for more than cosmetic purposes, and it is a less invasive procedure. Botox treatment can reduce the muscular pain caused by hyperactivity of muscles. Minimize clenching by reducing the force of muscular contractions. Reduce the appearance of a high lip line (gummy smile) by relaxing the lip muscles.


Tooth Extractions

Before a tooth extraction is considered, all possible efforts will be made to preserve the tooth. However, sometimes there is no other option.

  • Tooth extraction is removing the tooth from the socket in the jawline. There are multiple reasons for tooth extraction, such as severe tooth damage or trauma, nonfunctioning teeth, orthodontic treatment, extra teeth, and many more.

  • There are two types of extractions. Simple extractions are performed on visible teeth in the mouth with a local anesthetic. A surgical extraction is performed on teeth that can not be seen or reached in the mouth. This extraction requires additional tools that remove the tooth from the gum.

Root Canals

  • A root canal procedure removes the infected pulp and nerve in the root of a tooth. The interior of the tooth is cleaned, shaped, filled, and sealed. This prevents any pain or infection from recurring.

  • This procedure saves a damaged or infected tooth without extraction.

  • There are multiple signs that you need a root canal, such as severe toothache pain, continuous sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, swelling and tenderness in nearby gum, or darkening of the tooth.

  • It is essential to consult with the dentist if you are feeling or seeing any of these signs.


Periodontal Treatments

  • If you are diagnosed with gum disease, there are multiple types of treatment options available based on the severity of your problem. We provide non-surgical treatment such as scaling and root planning. An ultrasonic cleaning device removes plaque and tartar from areas of the teeth that are hard to reach. These areas include under the gum line, on the tooth, and around the root. After this treatment is complete, it’s essential to practice good oral hygiene such as flossing, brushing daily, and dental checkups to prevent recurrences of gum disease.

  • If the case is very severe, you will be referred to a periodontist specialist.